Case Study:

Funk Zone Media


Funk Zone Media (FZM) is a performance marketing company that specializes in the legal, insurance, and finance verticals. The nature of performance marketing requires precise analytics to ensure proper outcomes and billing, making comprehensive reporting essential. FZM identified a significant gap in their ability to track the success of their campaigns, which led to the need for a customized reporting dashboard.

Customer Profile

Funk Zone Media is a mid-sized marketing agency operating in a highly competitive market. Their target customers include legal firms, insurance companies, and financial institutions. FZM's specific challenge was to gain transparency and accuracy in their campaign performance reports, crucial for both internal assessments and communication with their clients.

Challenges Faced

Before implementing the customized reporting dashboard, Funk Zone Media (FZM) faced several critical challenges that significantly impacted their efficiency and accuracy in tracking and reporting campaign performance:

Transparency in Campaign Performance from Buyers to Publishers

FZM needed a way to provide clear and transparent campaign performance data for both buyers and publishers. The existing setup lacked a streamlined method for integrating this data across different platforms, leading to fragmented and unclear reporting. This lack of transparency made it difficult to trust the performance metrics, resulting in potential disputes and dissatisfaction.

Standardizing Reports for Publishers

One of the major pain points was the inconsistency in reporting formats, particularly for disposition reports. FZM had to standardize these reports to ensure that publishers received uniform and understandable data. The absence of a standardized format led to confusion and inefficiencies, as publishers had to interpret varied reports, making it challenging to compare performance across different campaigns.

Managing Multiple Campaigns and Verticals

FZM ran numerous campaigns across various verticals, each with unique requirements and metrics. Managing these diverse campaigns manually was overwhelming and prone to errors. The lack of a centralized system to handle multiple campaigns efficiently resulted in significant time delays and inaccuracies in performance tracking and reporting.

Integrating with Looker Studio and Google Sheets

FZM relied on Looker Studio and Google Sheets for their reporting needs. However, these tools had limitations, particularly in terms of data integration and the ability to handle complex and large datasets. FZM required a more robust solution that could seamlessly integrate data from multiple sources, providing a comprehensive and cohesive view of campaign performance.

Need for Better Filtering Options than Looker Studio

While Looker Studio offered some filtering capabilities, they were not sufficient for FZM's complex reporting needs. The team needed more advanced filtering options to drill down into the data and extract meaningful insights. The limitations of Looker Studio hindered their ability to perform in-depth analysis and make informed decisions based on granular data.

Long-Term Goal: Unified Access for Publishers and Buyers

A significant long-term goal for FZM was to create a platform where both publishers and buyers could log in and access their respective performance data. This unified access was essential for enhancing transparency and fostering better relationships with stakeholders. However, the existing system did not support this level of integration and user hierarchy, posing a major challenge in achieving this goal.


To address these challenges, we developed a customized reporting dashboard that combines and analyzes data from all sources to create an all-in-one view of campaign performance. The key features of the dashboard include:

Advanced Filtering System:

The dashboard incorporates an advanced filtering system that allows users to deep dive into the data shown within each report. Users can filter data by specific date ranges, ensuring precise analysis and reporting.

Access-Based Control:

The dashboard includes access-based control features, allowing administrators to set different levels of access for users. This ensures that only authorized personnel can view or manipulate data within the reports, maintaining data integrity and security.

Drag-and-Drop Functionality:

Users with access to the reports can drag and drop specific values they want to see within the report and remove values that are not relevant. This flexibility ensures that the reports are tailored to the individual needs of each user.

Sharing and Downloading Options:

The dashboard provides options to share reports in view-only mode with external parties. Additionally, users can download reports in various formats, allowing them to share information offline with stakeholders who may find the data useful.

Implementation process

To address the challenges faced by Funk Zone Media (FZM), we developed a customized reporting dashboard with the following key features:

Integration with Various CRM Systems

The customized dashboard seamlessly integrates with multiple CRM systems used by FZM. This integration ensures that data from various sources such as Ringba, LeadProsper, and others is automatically collected and consolidated into a single, unified platform. By connecting directly with these CRM systems, the dashboard eliminates the need for manual data entry, reducing errors and saving valuable time.

Collecting Data from Emails and File Uploads

In addition to CRM integration, the dashboard is capable of collecting data from emails and file uploads. The process of importing CSV files and email attachments containing campaign data is automated. This feature ensures that all relevant information, regardless of its origin, is captured and included in the reporting process, providing a comprehensive view of campaign performance.

Data Normalization and UI for Correcting Data Anomalies (Feedback Loop)

The system is equipped with robust data normalization capabilities, which standardizes data from various sources into a consistent format. A user-friendly interface is provided for correcting any data anomalies, creating a feedback loop where users can identify and rectify discrepancies in the data. This ensures the accuracy and reliability of the reports generated, fostering trust in the data among all stakeholders.

Data Appending to Database Table After Normalization and Anomaly Correction

Once data normalization and anomaly correction are completed, the cleaned data is appended to a centralized database table. This process ensures that all data is up-to-date and accurately reflects the current state of campaign performance. By maintaining a consistent and accurate database, FZM can generate reports that provide meaningful insights and support informed decision-making.

Advanced Filtering Options Surpassing Those in Looker Studio

The dashboard features advanced filtering options that surpass those available in other data analytics tools such as Looker Studio. Users can apply multiple filters to drill down into specific aspects of the data, allowing for in-depth analysis and customization of reports. This capability enables users to focus on the metrics that matter most to them, enhancing the overall utility of the reporting tool.

Real-Time Data Updates for Accurate and Timely Insights

To ensure that FZM always has access to the most current information, the dashboard supports real-time data updates. As new data is collected and integrated, the dashboard automatically updates to reflect these changes. This feature provides accurate and timely insights into campaign performance, allowing FZM to respond quickly to emerging trends and issues.

User-Friendly Interface for Ease of Use

The dashboard is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it accessible and easy to navigate for all users, regardless of their technical proficiency. Intuitive design elements and clear visualizations help users quickly understand and interact with the data. This ease of use reduces the learning curve and increases the adoption rate among FZM's team members and stakeholders.

These features collectively enable Funk Zone Media to efficiently manage and analyze their campaign data, providing comprehensive, accurate, and actionable reports that drive better decision-making and enhance overall performance.

Results and Benefits

The implementation of the customized reporting dashboard yielded significant benefits:

  • Quantitative Results: FZM reported a 30% reduction in time spent on data compilation and analysis, and a 20% increase in accuracy of their reports.
  • Qualitative Results: Improved client satisfaction due to more transparent and reliable reporting. Positive feedback from internal users highlighted the dashboard's ease of use.
  • Before-and-After Comparison: Prior to the dashboard, FZM struggled with manual integration with 3rd party CRMs, data processes and inconsistent reporting. Post-implementation, they enjoy automated streamlined operations and enhanced data-driven decision-making.


The customized reporting dashboard has had a transformative impact on Funk Zone Media's operations. By addressing critical challenges and enhancing reporting capabilities, FZM can now deliver superior results for their clients. The success of this project has laid the groundwork for future enhancements, including potential expansions of dashboard features.

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